I know I’ll hear some backlash for this, but for a glowing complexion, start
Photo Credit: celestialhealing.neteliminating cow’s milk dairy foods from your diet. Dairy is #1 on allergy doctors’ culprit lists. It contributes to acne, blotchy skin, irritable bowel syndrome, sinus problems, ear infections, weight gain & headaches. Osteoporosis is actually MORE common in countries that consume lots of dairy. Humans lose the ability to digest milk successfully around age 2 or 3 after being weaned and estimates say up to 75% of adults could be lactose intolerant. Cow’s milk is designed for baby cows and helps them grow very large, very quickly! Green leafy veggies contain more bone-healthy calcium anyway, so eat more of them to get the calcium and minerals you need. Try almond milk, goat milk or coconut milk products to substitute – they’re delicious and more easily tolerated. Visit Dr. Hyman’s blog for more information.