
Coach, author & Founding Director of Clarity International

Cathy’s Bio:

Cathy Hawk is an expert in energy…human energy. Her Get Clarity™ Operating System is a clear, step by step method that makes it easy to stay energized and put time and money into perspective to create a meaningful, joyful life. As a thought and action leader in personal transformation, Cathy Hawk is a principal in Clarity International®, a coaching and leadership firm based in Colorado. The unique Get Clarity™ Retreats and Clarity Circles™ were created to provide a process where individuals and leaders can explore, refresh, invigorate and clarify the vision for what they want to create—the vision that drives their energy and actions. She and her husband are three-time award winning authors of Get Clarity™, The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work, and SHIFT, A Guidebook to Above-the-Line, Positive Thinking.

You can only use one makeup item before leaving your house. What item do you choose?


What is your favorite decade of fashion trends?

All decades work when you know your classic style and stick to it.

When do you feel the most beautiful?

When I am energetically lights-on and radiating that!

In your opinion, what makes a woman beautiful?

When she knows herself and is confident in how she appears. That creates a field of attraction.

Where can readers learn more about you?

Website: www.getclarity.com
Facebook: facebook.com/getclaritytoday
Twitter: twitter.com/Get_Clarity
YouTube: youtube.com/user/livelightson