Creative & Exciting Expressions in Nail Color – FUN is the word!

It’s been said that Lipstick is a woman’s “go-to” indulgence in hard economic times. Even if you don’t feel you can afford to spend on new clothes, a tube of lipstick somehow makes you feel rejuvenated. Well, now that economic indicators are making such dire predictions, style experts predict that women will move to nail polish for their low cost “fashion fix”. And the nail polish industry has obliged by producing amazing color mixtures and textures that are sure to please even the most trendy and artistic among us. Besides … isn’t it just FUN to sport a crazy outre’ nail treatment, no matter what your age? For a week’s worth of enjoyment, it’s an easy & cheap accessory. So, before serious winter sets in, have some fun with your toes & fingers!

Here’s some of my faves for the end of summer season:

Beauty Buzz Favorites:

China Glaze – They always have such interesting colors; this season they have some amazing greens and purples available, and a deep charcoal shimmer that is very unusual.

Sally Hansen – Check out their new Magnetic nail color that actually creates a textured wave look when you hold their magnet over the wet polish. Fabulous!

OPI – The classic pro favorite, OPI always delivers on fashion trend + quality. Dozens of new brights and pales in every color you can imagine.

Fingerpaints – My new favorite brand for glitter polish in pinks, purples & blues (yes, even at my age I’m wearing it, why not?) and a gorgeous bright shimmer orange that just screams “Summer Fun!”.

Savvy – Not a standard high quality brand, but they have the more beautiful, perfect aqua blue/turquoise color I’ve ever seen. Wore it for weeks, with many compliments received. Lasted very well, too.